OliveOilSeminars.com started in 2005, offering seminars about olive oil, in  Melissia, as well as, later,  in many olive-growing areas in Greece. Oliveoilseminars.com was founded by Vasilis Frantzola, M.Sc. Food Policy, trained Taster and Olive Oil Quality Consultant.  Seminars last 8 hours and are designed for olive growers and producers, olive oil millers, standardizers, olive oil professionals and exporters. Up to now, more than 1,650 students have been trained as well as 110 olive oil mills, in new technologies for olive oil production and organoleptic evaluation. Since 2017, in collaboration with the National Organization of Italian Olive Oil Tasters, a 4-month training program is offered for the Certification of Olive Oil Tasters. Also, an annual Continuing Education Tasters’  Programs is now available, for those completed the certification program.

In 2016, Oliveoilseminras published in Greek the book “Modern Pruning Techniques for Olive Trees” written by Italian Prof. Riccardo Gucci.

Oliveoilseminars.com provide high level education on olive oil, using very experienced teachers and in collaboration, occasionally as needed with:

1. National Association of Italian Olive Oil Tasters (ONAOO)

2. Jaen University in Andalusia – Spain

3. Visiting University Professors from Italy and Spain.

Seminars cover the following topics:

A. Cultivation of olive groves                                                             B. Olive oil production technology for millers

C. Organoleptic evaluation                                                                 D. Preparations for exporting olive oil

E. Pruning of olive trees                                                                     F. Fertilization of conventional and organic olive groves

G. Irrigation of olive groves                                                               I. Mixed, ordered topics

The close cooperation of Oliveoilseminars.com with the National Organization of Olive Oil Tasters of Italy (ONAOO) and the new cooperation, from the training year 2017-2018 with University of Jaen, Spain reaffirms the high level of services offered.


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